So Sharon, my brothers Mick and John, Sharon's partner Damien and I all headed off to the Roller Disco in South London (no Bart this time but maybe next time). What a great night we all had. The magic was definitely still there. The rink is a bit (a lot) small but the layout is good. The bars were easy to get served at, obviously a must for me. There was a nice decked chill out smoking area out the back. The atmosphere was great loads of people just out for a good time and no moody faces even when you drop them on their ass. The music in the first room was funky old school (James Brown, Prince) etc. The second room was a bit more up to date dance stuff. All in all a good blend of old and new.
For anyone that doesn't know our history we were all mad skaters in the late 80s early 90s. This was before I was seduced by rave culture (the two did blend for a while). I was head skate steward at Rollers in Bletchley for a couple of years and we skated every day for at least five years, I used to get them all free entry, but we had all since gotten on with our lives and left the skating behind.
I think we will definitely be doing this again. Thanks, Sharon, for such a great idea. It was fantastic to see the three of you with your skates back on. Even after all these years some of the old moves were still there. Damien who knew you could be so agile for a big man and well done for knocking out all comers in the bar arm wrestling contest.
A very happy birthday sis. Here is to another 30 years rollin. Luv ya xxx
Thank you soooooooo much for coming to the bash, thanks for the blog Tony and for being smarter than the rest of us and actually rememering the camera! I cant say I'm disapointed none of my friends made it out for the night because I dont think it could have been a better one. Thanks Mick for being designated driver (sorry Londoners for his road rage!!!) thanks John for keepin it real and Damien for putting up with my moody outburst at you becasue of the dip sh*t blonde that thought I was having my photo taken with someone famous! Thanks for not mentioning when I spanked at the side of the rink because I tried to lean against a wall that wasn't there and for not laughing too much when I sprained/bruised my hand and wrist slipping in the ladies. I have to say this birthday was the best (2nd best was my 14th because Tony got me a bouncy castle and trust me they are not just for kids, much fun was had) sorry if i was a bit of a drunken lush and sorry to anyone I took out when I was rippin up the rink! Cheers mum and dad for taking us all out for a big lunch and spawning such a talented brood of skaters!!! Here's to the next night out and guys this time make an effort with the dress code eh :OD love you all x x x x x
Thanks sis. I really had a great night. I can't wait till the next one.
As for your friends when you have the Kelly clan who needs em? xxx
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