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41, (how the fuck did that happen?) Married to Bart two dogs Kira and Cooper (white German Shepard's) two brothers one sister 1 niece 2 nephews. Live in Milton Keynes.

Monday 8 December 2008

Facts about England

I can confirm this is completely accurate.

Guess who was mostly on YouTube tonight.


Fiona said...

I don't understand.

How is this funny? When we were in England, it rained 3 days out of 4. I met the Queen a few times, and she seemed nice, but I kept mixing her up with all those other ladies named Elizabeth who looked just like her. And the beach shuttle is awesome, though it's true that the beach is foggy most of the time.

You're just upset that people call you Tony instead of your real name. Charles.

Also, drinking tea while shooting foxes isn't that awesome. And anyone who's dodged cars in Paris would know that Certain People Across the Channel (descended from the Franks) ought not to talk about other people's driving habits. Ahem.

Fiona said...

Are you trying to say that stuff in the video isn't true?



bugboys69 said...

Hi Fiona

I should have pointed out that you need to look at the comments made by viewers.

People are amazingly gullible.

PS I had tea with the Queen on Sunday and she asked me to pass on her love. She misses you guys to.

Fiona said...

Crap! I missed that there are comments.

Now I know what I'll be doing for the next half hour.

Kisses to HM. I miss her, too. And the foxhunting before tea.