About Me

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41, (how the fuck did that happen?) Married to Bart two dogs Kira and Cooper (white German Shepard's) two brothers one sister 1 niece 2 nephews. Live in Milton Keynes.

Friday, 8 January 2010

Frozen Britain

This is for anyone that hasn't seen this satellite picture of the UK. We are supposed to live in a green and pleasant land, but this makes the UK looks more like the frozen north. It's kinda cool though, pardon the pun.

It should look a bit more like this

Ps it is freekin cold Brrrrr!


Fiona said...

Wow! It's 70 here in LA. But back home it's 11F, with 6 inches of snow on the ground.

You boys stay warm!

bugboys69 said...

I'm off boarding in a mo with the fam. I hope you guys are having fun in the sun.

Happy new year to you all along with a big warm bundle of love xxx

bugboys69 said...

We are supposed to have more heavy snow tonight and tomorrow and then it it is going to clear up. Still below freezing for the next week or so though.

Fiona said...

We just got back and it's 14F!! Wow, cold.

And I'm so wiped, dude. Wish I could curl up on your sofa and watch the Friday Night Project or something. Of course, it's Sunday. But still.

bugboys69 said...

I'm glad you are back safe and well. As for the cold I know just how you feel. We had even more snow last night. Just so unusual. I am having a sick day today so I will mostly be on the sofa in my jammies.

Love you all stay warm xxx