About Me

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41, (how the fuck did that happen?) Married to Bart two dogs Kira and Cooper (white German Shepard's) two brothers one sister 1 niece 2 nephews. Live in Milton Keynes.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Keep fucking that chicken?

Did he or didn't he?

Please let me know.

PS I hate fucking Fox News what a bunch of Nazis.


Fiona said...

You know you love it. Anytime someone says something saucy on American TV it's an event. We're prudish like that.

bugboys69 said...

I just can't imagine what it means. Do you think it was a dare?

Bart said...

I saw another clip of the same anchorman from around 2003, stumbling while trying to read out a website address.

"And you can see for yourself at such-and-such, dot cock...uh, dong....uh...."