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41, (how the fuck did that happen?) Married to Bart two dogs Kira and Cooper (white German Shepard's) two brothers one sister 1 niece 2 nephews. Live in Milton Keynes.

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Distract them

Anyone with a TV has to have seen the massive coverage that the Olympic torch relay has been getting. Due in the most part to the Free Tibet protesters that have been making their cause known loud and clear all the way along the route so far.

I have no issue with the protest in fact I support whole heartedly the Free Tibet campaign. Though I have to say with the situation in Zimbabwe at the moment with Robert Mugabe doing his slippery best to hang on to power no matter what, we seem to be handing him just what he needs, a distraction. Ever since the torch started it's journey around this world of ours. I have seen almost nothing on the news about Zimbabwe. Please lets have some more coverage and let this dictator know that the world is still watching his every move. If Zimbabwe has to go back to the polls let us do what we can to make sure that Mugabe realizes that the world is looking over his shoulder and intimidation and violence will not be tolerated.


said nasser said...

hello dear..
fello much pleasure to your blog.
thank you very much.

Bart said...

Aw bless, you have a new friend!

I agree that the media needs to keep focus on Zimbabwe, Mugabe is in the process of stealing the election and that country simply cannot survive under his leadership any longer without decending into total chaos.

Fiona said...

If it's any consolation, there's been a lot of Mugabe coverage on NPR here. I dunno about TV, since we don't watch the news on it (only trash).

Here's hoping he goes. Peacefully.

bugboys69 said...

Hi all

Thanks for looking in.

Fiona get that baby cooked we can't stand the waiting.

Love to all three of you. xxx