About Me

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41, (how the fuck did that happen?) Married to Bart two dogs Kira and Cooper (white German Shepard's) two brothers one sister 1 niece 2 nephews. Live in Milton Keynes.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Looking forward to Easter?

I know I have just got back from holiday in the USA so I should be all re-charged and ready to go. This is not the case. I am having a hard time just pulling myself out of bed in the morning. All I could think about this morning as I was crawling into the shower was 'four day weekend.' I don't even mind what we end up doing. Probably nothing of note. I am just looking forward to staying in bed until I decide to get up rather than the alarm deciding for me.

So thank you God, I don't have any kind of relationship with you, but I appreciate the time off work. I will worship the weekend.

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Well, it seems the two of you found a great Easter get-away after all. In "gaol." Next is Greece, possibly? I live jealously and vicariously visiting bartonsblog and yours to hear about all of the exotic trips. Travel on!!!!